The Public Expenditure Counter was put up in the busiest street in Sarajevo at the end of 2011. Its display shows the amount and the speed of public spending around the clock, which serves as a constant reminder of the taxpayers’ money spent by the BiH institutions each year. It tracks the public expenditure at all government levels in BiH – state, entity, canton, municipality and District of Brčko.

The citizens of BiH have the right to information that will decrease the possibility of manipulations of the public funds in their country. Bearing in mind that the quality of life of citizens depends directly on their involvement in the budget process, we hope that the continuous efforts to raise awareness on public expenditure will initiate a more active citizen participation, and result in citizens assuming their share of responsibility in the budget process. This will enable us to jointly ensure rational and efficient management of public expenditure. The counter was financed by the Open Society Fund – Bosnia and Herzegovina and USAID/CAP II Program through the Center for Civil Initiatives.